Publicacions Indexades a l'SCI o a Medline
Laso N, Mas S, Lafuente MJ, Casterad X, Trias M, Ballesta A, Molina R, Salas J, Ascaso C, Zheng S, Wiencke JK, Lafuente A. Decrease in specific micronutrient intake in colorectal cancer patients with tumors presenting Ki-ras mutation. Anticancer Res. 2004; 24: 2011-2020. PMID: 15274393.
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Guillén N, Torrentó M, Albadalejo R, Salas-Salvadó J. Evaluación de la aceptación de ls menús servidos en el Hospital Universitario Sant Joan de Reus [Assessment of the acceptance of set meals served at the "Sant Joan University Hospital - Reus]. Nutr Hosp. 2004; 19: 277-280. PMID: 15516037.
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Serra Majem L, Trichopolou A, Ngo de la Cruz J, Cervera P, García Álvarez A, La Vecchia C, Lemtouni A, Trichopoulos D, (on behalf of the International Task Force on the Mediterranean Diet). Foreword: Does the mediterranean diet definition need to be updated?. Public Health Nutr. 2004; 7: 927-929. PMID: 15482619.
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Brufau G, Quilez J, Canela MA, Salas-Salvadó J, Bulló M, Rafecas M. Evaluation of lipid oxidation after ingestion of bakery products enriched with phytosterols, b-carotene and a-tocopherol. Clin Nutr. 2004; 23: 1390-1397. PMID: 15556261.
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Planas M, Castellà M, García Luna PP, Parés RM, Chamorro J, Camarero E, Calañas AJ, Bonada A, Irles JA, Adrio G, Jiménez M, Boris MA, Rodríguez A, Pérez A, Gómez P, Zamarrón I, Cos A, Mancha A, Martínez I, Martí I, de Luis D, Virgili N, Moreno JM, Luengo LM, de la Cuerda C, Forga MT, Goenaga MA, Carrera JA, Garde G, Ordóñez J, Pedrón C, y Grupo NADYA-SENPE. Nutrición enteral domiciliaria (NED): registro nacional 2001 [Home Enteral Nutrition: National Registry 2001]. Nutr Hosp. 2004;19: 145-149. PMID: 15211722.
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Planas M, Castellà M, Moreno JM, Pita AM, Pedrón C, Gómez-Candela C, Gómez Enterría P, de la Cuerda C, Pérez de la Cruz A, Forga MT, Martí I, Garde C, Carrera JA, García Luna PP, Ordóñez J, Bonada A, Parés RM, Rodríguez A, y Grupo NADYA-SENPE. Registro nacional de la nutrición parenteral domiciliaria del año 2001 [National Registry of Home Parenteral Nutrition of the year 2001]. Nutr Hosp. 2004; 19: 139-143. PMID: 15211721.
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Megias-Rangil I, García-Lorda P, Torres Moreno M, Bulló M, Salas-Salvadó J. Nutrient content and health effects of nuts [Nutrient content and health effects of nuts]. Arch Latinoam Nutr. 2004; 54: 63-86. Review. PMID: 15584479.
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Bautista-Castaño I, Sangil-Monroy M, Serra-Majem L, en nombre del Comité de Nutrición y Obesidad Infantil - SENC (Salas-Salvadó J, et al.). Conocimientos y lagunas sobre la implicación de la nutrición y la actividad física en el desarrollo de la obesidad infantil y juvenil [Knowledge and gaps on the role of nutrition and physical activity on the onset of childhood obesity]. Med Clin (Barcelona). 2004; 123: 782-793. Review. PMID: 15607072.
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Salvà A, Corman B, Andrieu S, Salas J, Vellas B and IAG/IANA TASK FORCE. Minimum data set for nutritional intervention studies in the elderly: a consensus of the IAG/IANA TASK FORCE. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2004; 59: 724-729. Review. PMID: 15304539.
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Salvà A, Corman B, Andrieu S, Salas J, Vellas B and IAG/IANA TASK FORCE. Minimum data set for nutritional intervention studies in the elderly: a consensus of the IAG/IANA TASK FORCE. J Nutr Health Aging. 2004; 8: 202-206. Review. PMID: 15316582.
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