Alpro Foundation newest in-depth scientific review from global experts.
Authors: Hana Kahleova; Nerea Becerra-Tomas; Sonia Blanco Mejia; Andrea J Glenn;
Stephanie De Vriese; David JA Jenkins; Cyril WC Kendall; Jordi Salas-Salvadó;
John L Sievenpiper.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) continues to be the leading cause of
death and is associated with a high burden of disease worldwide, contributing
to 31% of all global deaths. Important behavioral factors associated with
cardiometabolic disease risk include unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, tobacco
use, and excessive alcohol use. Diet can be attributed to about 45.4%
of all premature deaths from CVD. The good news, however, is that 80%
of premature heart attacks and strokes are preventable. Non-alcoholic
fatty liver disease, a disease closely related to CVD, has as only recommended
treatment the change of lifestyle (diet and physical exercise).
It is therefore of great importance to assess which dietary patterns can
majorly improve these diseases.
This new scientific update is dedicated to different plant-based
eating patterns and some specific plant-based foods and how these impact
cardiometabolic health: Mediterranean diet; Nordic diet; Portfolio diet;
Vegetarian and vegan diets; Nuts; Legumes; Soya; Whole grains; Fruit and vegetables.
Autors: Moñino M, Baladia E, Palou A, Russolillo G, Marques I, Farran A,
Astiasarán I, Ballesteros JM, Martínez A, Salas-Salvadó J, Polanco I, Miret F,
Alonso M, Bonany J, Romero de Ávila L, Campos J, Pérez J, Agudo A,
Gilabert V, García G, Pérez R, Martínez N, Cervera P, Manera M, Basalto J.
Consumo de zumos de frutas en el marco de una alimentación saludable
Documento de Postura del Comité Científico "5 al día".
Publicació: Actividad Dietética 2010; 14 :138-43.